Building Your Personal Resilience

Building Your Personal Resilience is a unique program for supporting your staff to more effectively manage stress, challenge and change.

Through a combination of psychological skills training, physiological stress management techniques and behavioural change tools, your staff will learn how to think more clearly, stay calm under pressure, and sustain a higher level of performance throughout their day.

Building Your Personal Resilience is available in F2F, self-paced eLearning and live webinar format.

Background info

Program Objectives

The objectives of this program are to provide participants with:

  • An understanding of personal resilience and its importance to health, performance and relationships
  • Practical skills and strategies for building resilience to stress, challenge and change, and
  • A range of resources to encourage the ongoing development of personal resilience skills.

Key Learning Outcomes

On completion of this program participants will be able to:

  • Recognise the signs and symptoms of stress and burnout in self and others
  • Understand personal resilience and its importance to health, performance and relationships
  • Assess personal resilience to identify strengths and vulnerabilities
  • Build resilience to prolonged and situational stress
  • Better manage unhelpful thoughts and emotions
  • Remain calm under pressure
  • Optimise thinking for increased clarity, concentration and productivity
  • Integrate resilience & self-management strategies into working & personal life.

Training Profile

Building Your Personal Resilience provides skills-based, experiential learning supported by evidence-based theory and workplace integration tools.

The face-to-face training comprises a diverse range of training activities including formal presentation, group discussion, self-reflection & assessment, interactive and challenging group activities, workbook exercises, eLearning and practical skills training.

Take-away resources include a self-study Skills Enhancement Course, the Personal Resilience Assessment elearning tool and access to the Working Mind app.

The F2F program is available in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Canberra and major centres around Australia. For more information about the webinar version click here. For eLearning click here.

Content & delivery options

90min to half-day: F2F or live Webinar

Module 1: Assessing Your Personal Resilience

  • Working Mind Resilience Framework: Foundations, Building Blocks & Pillars
  • Personal Resilience Assessment online tool
  • Self-reflection: identification of resilience strengths, vulnerabilities, patterns and trends

Module 2: Building Your Stress Resilience

  • Recognising the signs and symptoms of stress & burnout in self and others
  • Responding to stress: exploring reactions and current coping strategies
  • The effects of stress on health, performance and relationships
  • Switching off the ‘fight or flight’ stress response
  • Recharge and Reboot: practical skills for building resilience to prolonged & situational stress

Module 3: Building a Resilient Mindset

  • Emotional resilience & mindfulness: enhancing health, performance and relationships
  • Psychological flexibility: developing an open, aware and flexible mind-set
  • Awareness and regulation of thoughts and emotions
  • Stop. Notice. Focus. – mindfulness in action
  • Skills training: practice of mindfulness-based resilience techniques

Module 4: Integration

  • Integrating resilience skills and strategies into working and personal life
  • Resilience Action Planning
  • Working Mind app.

This option is available as a 90-120 minute webinar, or 1.5-3.5 hour F2F workshop.

Self-paced eLearning Course

Find out more via the course information page.

One-Day F2F Program

Module 1: Assessing Your Personal Resilience

  • Working Mind Resilience Framework: Foundations, Building Blocks & Pillars
  • Personal Resilience Assessment online tool
  • Self-reflection: identification of resilience strengths, vulnerabilities, patterns and trends.

Module 2: Building Your Stress Resilience

  • Overview: resilience, stress and performance
  • Recognising signs and symptoms of stress & burnout in self and others
  • Responding to stress: exploring reactions and current coping strategies
  • The effects of stress on health, performance and relationships
  • Switching off the ‘fight or flight’ stress response
  • Recharge and Reboot: practical skills for building resilience to prolonged & situational stress

Module 3: Performance and Recovery

  • The resilience and recovery link: sustaining productivity and health
  • Energy management: switching on and switching off
  • Resilience techniques for regulating emotions, increasing vitality & improving concentration.

Module 4: Getting a Good Night’s Sleep

  • The sleep cycle – how and why we sleep
  • Causes of sleep disturbance
  • Stress physiology and the mind-body connection
  • Sleep, health and performance
  • Tips for improving sleep hygiene
  • Relaxation techniques to reduce stress and improve sleep

Module 5: Fuelling Resilience

  • Food, mood and mental fitness
  • Dietary patterns and the mind
  • Nutritional strategies for optimal mental health

Module 6: Building a Resilient Mindset

  • Emotional resilience & mindfulness: enhancing health, performance and relationships
  • Psychological flexibility: developing an open, aware and flexible mind-set
  • Awareness and regulation of thoughts and emotions
  • Stop. Notice. Focus. – mindfulness in action
  • Skills training: practice of mindfulness-based resilience techniques

Module 7: Integration

  • Integrating resilience skills and strategies into working and personal life
  • Resilience Action Planning eLearning tool
  • Skills Enhancement Course & online resource overview.

Typical duration: 7.5 to 8 hours including breaks.

2 x Half-Day F2F Program

This option, comprising two x 3.5-hour sessions, encourages experimentation, reflection and optimal integration of knowledge & skills. The recommended interval between Sessions One & Two is 6-12 weeks.

Session One

Module 1: Assessing Your Personal Resilience

  • Working Mind Resilience Framework: Foundations, Building Blocks & Pillars
  • Personal Resilience Assessment online tool
  • Self-reflection: identification of resilience strengths, vulnerabilities, patterns and trends.

Module 2: Building Your Stress Resilience

  • Overview: resilience, stress and performance
  • Recognising the signs and symptoms of stress & burnout in self and others
  • Responding to stress: exploring reactions and current coping strategies
  • The effects of stress on health, performance and relationships
  • Switching off the ‘fight or flight’ stress response
  • Recharge and Reboot: practical skills for building resilience to prolonged & situational stress

Module 3: Building a Resilient Mindset

  • Emotional resilience & mindfulness: enhancing health, performance and relationships
  • Psychological flexibility: developing an open, aware and flexible mind-set
  • Awareness and regulation of thoughts and emotions
  • Stop. Notice. Focus. – mindfulness in action
  • Skills training: practice of mindfulness-based resilience techniques

Module 4: Integration

  • Integrating personal resilience skills and strategies into working and personal life
  • Personal Resilience Assessment eLearning tool
  • Skills Enhancement Course & online resource overview.

Session duration is typically four hours including a 15-minute break between modules 1 & 2.

Session Two

Module 5: Performance and Recovery

  • The resilience and recovery link: sustaining productivity and health
  • Energy management: switching on and switching off
  • Resilience techniques for regulating emotions, increasing vitality & improving concentration.

Module 6: Getting a Good Night’s Sleep

  • The sleep cycle – how and why we sleep
  • Causes of sleep disturbance
  • Stress physiology and the mind-body connection
  • Sleep, health and performance
  • Tips for improving sleep hygiene
  • Relaxation techniques to reduce stress and improve sleep

Module 7: Fuelling Resilience

  • Food, mood and mental fitness
  • Dietary patterns and the mind
  • Nutritional strategies for optimal mental health

Module 8: Resilience Action Planning

  • Session 1 review
  • Evaluation: application of knowledge and skills in the workplace
  • Overcoming obstacles to integration
  • Resilience Action Planning eLearning tool.

Resources & support

Skills Enhancement Course

The BYPR Skills Enhancement Course is a take-away, self-study program that supports participants to apply their training in their working and personal lives. The course promotes experiential learning, skills integration and long-term behavioural change. The course includes:

  • A comprehensive pdf workbook containing:
    •  Background theory and evidence-based research
    • Weekly task lists and goal setting tools
    • Resilience technique practice guidelines
    • Integration tips and strategies
    • Self-assessment tools
    • Print and web recommended reading
  • Twelve resilience techniques in mp3 format, and
  • Unlimited phone and email support.

Access instructions are provided to participants during the face-to-face training.

Working Mind App

Through the Working Mind app, developed exclusively for our clients, participants receive permanent access to key training resources including the BYPR workbook, mp3 audio techniques, research links and workplace integration tools.

Download the App

Resilience Refresh

Resilience Refresh is a follow-up session to the BYPR program. This interactive, solution-focused 2-3 hour workshop supports participants to review progress, build on their skills and develop resilience action plans. Resilience Refresh includes:

  • Review: BYPR program key learnings
  • Evaluation: application of skills and knowledge in the workplace
  • Overcoming obstacles to integration
  • Integration support: Skills Enhancement Course
  • Skills training and practice
  • Resilience goal setting and action planning.

Resilience Refresh is ideally held 6-12 weeks after delivery of the BYPR program.